If you asked me where I thought I would be in life currently four years ago when I entered the University of Florida, I would have told you that I would be completing my last few science courses, waiting to hear back from medical schools, and trying to shadow physicians in the Dermatology and Pediatric department. If you asked me four years ago, if being a science major and preparing to go to medical school was what I truly wanted in life, I would have enthusiastically told you, “Yes, of course, that’s what I want to do!” However, life has a funny way of rocking your world and placing new meaning and passions in things you once believed to be ordinary.
I remember being younger, watching networks like the Discovery or Travel channel and being completely fascinated by the idea that there were places and people in the world that were different from me. Naively believing that these shows may be somewhat fiction, I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that some people lived without electricity, a supermarket, tall buildings in their communities, or technology. Though I knew little about those parts of the world or the people that live there, I was fascinated and curious about the experiences and stories that have shaped who they are and the lifestyle they live.
I came into college with a love for travel and learning about other people’s background and cultures. This was something I believed was a norm in our society based off of the fact that I have met many people who have shared with me their joys in the travel experiences they have had. Because I viewed this as a norm, I did not think it was anything very significant in my life or in what I wanted to do. Despite the global organizations and events I was a part, culturally educational classes I was in, and activities that showcase different backgrounds that I participated in, I thought “this is the norm for everyone.” Again, life has a funny way of rocking your world.
With every lesson that I gained from these various experiences, I began to become more self-aware and gain more clarity in who I am and who I desire to be. It was at this moment that everything clicked and began to make sense to me. These experiences and opportunities that I have been pursuing have always been there for a reason. I’ve continuously sought them throughout my path in life because of the passion I’ve had for them. They are more than just a series of serendipitous events but are my aspirations and passions in life.
My passion for learning about different cultures, backgrounds, and people have molded me into who I am today – an open – minded, aware individual who seeks to become more culturally inept. The perceptions, fascinations, and values that I have for learning about the world around me has helped me become a more empathic, understanding individual. I find great joy in learning about the world around me not to say that “I’ve been here” but to take the lessons and experiences that I’ve had in those places to continue to mold who I am and who I desire to be in the future.
In September 2017, I will embark on another adventure towards learning about the world around me as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon. As a Peace Corps volunteer, I will be able to intertwine my passions for health and global experience into one as a Community Health Coordinator. Pursuing a Peace Corps experience was something I could have never dreamed of a few years ago, but now, it is providing me with the opportunity to continue to live out my dreams and reach my goals. These new meanings and passions that life has placed in my heart that I once believed to be ordinary are in fact, extraordinary. They tell the story of me and the change I wish to see in the world one day.